Monday, April 13, 2009


Hola chavalos!
Esta semana ha sido bien tuanis! This week has been really cool thus far.
On Saturday evening, Andrew & Lisa spoke at a church. They shared their testimonies and it went really well! On Easter Sunday, we had a service here at the YWAM base in Diriamba. It was really fun to experience Easter in a different culture. This (Monday) morning, we worked in the school that YWAM runs, which was really fun to be able to work with the kiddo's!! In the afternoon, we went to a university in Managua, Nicaragua, which is the capital city. We partnered with Campus Crusade for Christ and did evangelism around the campus.
Here are some prayer requests from our team: healing of sickness (colds that Lisa & Andrew have), that we can learn Spanish quickly & wisdom.
That's all for now. Thank you all.

1 comment:

  1. Tyler, we are now following your blog and are praying for you daily.

    Take care. Aprendas Espanol rapido!! Ha ha, that's probably not right, but good luck with Spanish. I would love to be learning again with you.
